Saturday, July 30, 2005

Heading Back East for the Ray Family Reunion

Well, I'm hitting the road again, this time for a bit longer. Probably around 3 weeks or so, but it all depends on my mood. (I've got to get back to Portland at some time so I can start looking for a job....) My motorcycle is serviced & packed, and I'l looking forward to seeing a bit more of the west.

I'll head out in the morning (Sunday) and head towards Spokane. Hopefully I'll get a little past that before stopping for the night. From there I'll head up to Glacier National Park on Monday, and into Canada on Tuesday. I'm dipping back down into the US to drive through North Dakota. (After I visit ND I'll only have FL & NM left before I've been in all of the lower 48! Hmmmm, another road trip?)

The family reunion starts on Friday near Minneapolis, so I won't have to push it very hard to make it on time. From there, I've got some family business in Clearfield, IA, before turning west again. I'm planning on stopping by Mt. Rushmore, Devils Tower, Sturgis, and whatever else moves me before winding up back in Montana to visit some friends. After that I'll probably wander through Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons before turning for home. We'll see.

It'll probably be around 5000 miles on the bike, over 3 weeks or so, so it should be interesting. I'm a little worried about my ass sitting on the seat, but I'm mainly worried about being lonely while I'm out there. Who knows, I might not like traveling by myself as much as I've dreamed about...

I'll try to post when I can along the way, but no promises....

Ya'll take care.


Here's my approximate route to Minnesota. I've always wanted to drive the "Going to the Sun Highway" and this is one hell of a chance to do it. If I have time, I'm hoping to be able to wander around in Northern Minnesota, in the "Tip of the Arrowhead." If I'm running tight, I'll lop that corner off. Posted by Picasa

Here's my planned route home. Of course, as the saying goes, "Man plans and God laughs." I'll be stopping for a few days near Red Lodge, MT, to visit Paul & Kim Roccoforte, friends from my Montana days. Ride some horses, toodle around on some local roads, and whatnot. And whoknows, I might actually get homesick, and take a more direct route! Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 25, 2005

A trip to Bend

A few folks from were getting together in Bend, so I decided to head down for the weekend since it's so close. Something like 200 miles, I think. I left about 2 pm Saturday afternoon, after my HTML class. I was making good time until the road turned in gravel, so I turned around to make good time on the right road. It's a bit easier that way, or so I hear. I finally make it down there around 6 pm. Met a bunch of folks who I've seen their posts for a while, but never met. (The internet is like that.) About 30 bikes, and a few more people. VFRfan (Peter) was hosting the BBQ at his house. He, his wife, and his father all were gracious hosts, and I had a great time.

I crashed for the night in a bunk at McMenamins Old St. Francis School - - For $30 it was a great place to stay. They've also got normal hotel rooms a a few guest cottages. Right in the heart of downtown Bend, too.

We had breakfast at the Blackbear Diner at 7:00 am, before scattering to the winds. I took a detour through the Willamette National Forest before heading over to Corvallis, and back to Portland. Great weather, and a wonderful ride.

A mountain lake Posted by Picasa

Scenic driving, eh? Posted by Picasa

More Mountains Posted by Picasa

McKenzie Pass Posted by Picasa

Lucky in front of the Observatory Posted by Picasa

In the Willamette National Forest. I think that's the North Sister (of 3 sisters) in the middle there. Posted by Picasa

Another view of the Mountain, with a wheat field in the foreground. Posted by Picasa

The road leading Northwest out of Bend. Posted by Picasa

The river that runs through Bend, OR. This was taken about 6:30 am on Sunday morning, on my way to breakfast with the crew. Posted by Picasa

A few of the 30ish bikes Posted by Picasa

Lucky the Farkle-Wagon with some friends Posted by Picasa

The Marina at Detroit Lake Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Oregon Country Fair

I'd heard about this from Bethany when I visited her and Oregon years ago. It'd always stuck in my mind, so I had to check it out. See for their website. It runs 3 days (Friday through Sunday), and I'd have loved to been there all 3 days, but I had class Saturday am. So I day-tripped, headed down this (Sunday) morning and came back this afternoon.

Still, it was great. Picture a huge-ass rennisance festival, only for hippies. Hippies dressed in costumes, not the ordinary garden-variety hippy. Of course, there were plenty of those, too. The weather was coolish - upper 60's - otherwise there would have been even *more* bare-breasted wimmen, not that I was looking or anything. Ok, I wasn't *staring* - I looked plenty.

Cool craftish stuff, arts, live music, interesting foods, information booths, and the highlight - people-watching for days. It's a cool event, and I'll definitely try to make it back. For all 3 days.

Folks listening at one of the many music/entertainment stages. Posted by Picasa

Combination hut/sculpture. I wonder how well it's waterproof? Posted by Picasa

Wandering musicians. I'm getting the evil eye from the dude in green there.... Posted by Picasa

Dig the chicks on stilts. Posted by Picasa

Dragon Parade. Posted by Picasa

Typical "street" at the fair. Posted by Picasa

I think he used to dance at Georges.... (Fayetteville reference) Posted by Picasa

Sweet Ride Saturday Night

Since I got here, I've been hanging out with the Oregon folks on the Sportbikes Website ( - real nice folks. A bunch of them go on the "Sweet Ride Saturday Night" group rides (, so I thought I'd tag along. It starts at Columbia River Motorsports ( in St. Helens, about 30 miles N/NW of Portland. I was running late, so I got there a little after 6 pm, just as they were headed out. We started with 23 riders. You can see the route map below, but something like 200 miles from start to finish.

Absolutely amazing country. I forgot my camera, so have no pics, but I'll have to go back by myself when I can take the time (and bring my camera!)

I don't know if it was me slowing down the rear, or a longer route, but we finished up after dark. And it rained for a bit. Lemmie tell you, riding in the dark, the rain, on a road you don't know is loads of fun.... Still, the rain didn't last long, and we made it to Burgerville in Vancouver, WA (just across the Columbia from Portland) about 11ish. Hung out and shot the shit for a bit, then I headed on home.

It was *waaaay* past my bedtime, but worth it. Can't wait to head out again.

Here's the Route. 230 (?) or so miles? Posted by Picasa

Yours truly, and the farklewagon. Posted by Picasa

Mt. St. Helens Posted by Picasa

Sunset shot in front of Mt. St. Helens - that's me on the far right. Posted by Picasa