Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Mount St. Helens Ride

One of the advantages of being unemployed is that I have time to do stuff, like going for a ride on a whim.

So I did.

I'd ridden most of this route before with the "Sweet Ride Saturday Night" crew, but we didn't go all the way up to Windy Ridge, and part of it was after dark, so the scenery wasn't the best. (i.e., only what was lit by my headlights, directly in front of me.) It was a nice day (by Oregon/Washington standards) in that it wasn't raining, and there were patches of sun. I headed out about noon. It was supposed to be about 5 hours, but I guess I was going slower and taking more time along the way taking pictures. Over all it was closer to 7 hours.

No real traffic, unless you count the chipmonks. Those suckers were everywhere, dashing across the road. One even raced me for a few feet. I saw a few elk, and a fawn. Momma must have been close, but I never saw her.

All in all, a nice way to spend the day. If I were only getting paid for it too......


At 2:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, quit racing the chipmunks for pink slips....hey, not to make light of the situation, but, you could always go to New Orleans as a landscape architect...


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