Friday, August 05, 2005

Typical Canadian backroad. Kinda crappy in spots, and not much traffic. Not much to stop the wind, either. Posted by Picasa


At 10:02 PM, Blogger Chickie Woods said...

Just stopped by. The pictures are beautiful on your blog. Take care, Chickie

At 4:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Brian! Looks like a beautiful trip so far. I'm in the mountains outside Parachute, Colorado -kind of pretty but theres no place like Montana. Paul has been fishing more-diversifying from horses every day. Hope you plan to stay long enough to enjoy all the Montana recreation! You can use my rods and horse-don't figure you fit too much on the bike. Nice to hear your mom is checking your progress, I hope the family reunion is great! Ride safe, Kim R.


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