Saturday, May 06, 2006

Urban Husbandry

In a discussion on the Pro-Urb listserv, Richard Layman mentioned the idea of "project planning vs. urban husbandry" in relationship to the ideas of Jane Jacobs (RIP) - Now, I won't go into the discussion of Jane Jacobs, but the idea of 'urban husbandry' caught my attention.

Wikipedia defines the following:

Urban Area - A geographical area (including cities and towns) distinct from rural areas.

Husbandry - As from the bible, to name and care for the Garden of Eden and the animals (Genesis 2:19-20). It is otherwise thought of as the practice of breeding and raising livestock.

The idea of 'care & feeding' of cities and towns interests me. Perhaps a better idea is 'community husbandry' - how'd *that* look on a business card? Too pretensious, perhaps? Something to think about, anyway.


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