Saturday, May 28, 2005

Seminar Wrap-Up

Well, the Mike Lin Graphics Seminar is over. It finished up yesterday, and I'm headed home today. It's been a long 12 days. I've got mixed feelings about it.

On one hand, I've really improved my graphics. I've got more confidence in my ability, and enthusiasm for continuing practice. I've learned to produce quick perspectives, which are a powerful tool for selling my ideas.

On the other hand, Mike Lin appears to be burnt out on teaching the class. He's been doing it several times a year for 20+ years, and is in a rut. He also seems bored with the material, so spends a lot of time talking about things not related to graphics, including things he has no experience. It seemed like he was simply running his mouth. He's also bigoted, sexist, and very proud of how much money he has. Tells very poor jokes, but has no grasp of irony or dry humor.
The class typically went from 8:30 am to midnight, with an hour for lunch and 2 hours for dinner. If he kept to the graphics material, and didn't waste time on other crap, we could have wrapped things up by 8 or 10 easily.

Would I recommend this class to others? Probably, but with strong cautions about his teaching style. Did I get what I wanted? I think so, but the emotional price was higher than I expected.


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