Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Tuesday 6/13/05 – Hasty CO to Fort Collins CO – 300 miles or so.

I got a decent start on the day, and headed north. Again, I was keeping to the backroads as much as possible. For the most part, it was big empty spaces. The roads I was on had little traffic, and were bordered by ranches. Not many folks out there.

I tooked my time and looked around a bit, before making it to Fort Collins about 4:30. I spent the night with Chris and Mandy Parton, who I knew from Fayetteville. I worked with Chris at an engineering firm, before the office was down-sized and we were laid off. I had a great evening with them – we talked for a while, then had dinner together at a pub in the old town area of Fort Collins. It’s a thriving area, with tons of shops, bars, and eateries. There was even a band playing in the pedestrian mall. Nice.


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